Experience Quality Rare Breeds

There is a movement happening right now in the U.S. People are tired of being sick and tired. We're realizing we have succumbed to commercialized food which has, in turn, diminished our nutrition which leads to increased risk of diseases and cancers. The fine folks at Überchic Ranch are dedicated to producing quality food whether it be an animal or plant product. In addition, we are specializing in rare and exotic breeds of various livestock that is available for purchase.
But let's also have a little fun! Make it fresh. Make it exciting. Make it chic.

Proven Genes

We constantly improve our breeding flock to ensure optimum performance in meat and egg production as well as breed-specific characteristics to ensure best color and plumage.

Delicious Food

We take pride in producing tasty bird meat, eggs, honey, or various produce. Indulge without worrying about your hips!

Quality Care

This couldn't be made possible without people power! We collaborate with various organizations so that we ethically engage with our communities. We are stewards to the planet after all.

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Healthy and Beautiful Birds

Over the years, we've purchased many varities of chickens, pheasants, and quail [from Überchic]. The birds grew into beautiful specimens. We thoroughly enjoy their company as well as their eggs.

Jim O'Toole (Derry, NH USA)

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